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June 11, 2004 - 7:31 p.m.

All New Grocery Interval Workout

I am the kind of person who loves to accomplish more than one task at the same time. I watch TV while surfing the web. I listen to music while reading. I pack lunches while quizzing the girls on spelling words. I talk on the phone while doing my nails. And now? I get exercise while unloading and putting away groceries!

It all began because I really didn't feel like going to the gym yesterday, but knew I needed a workout. So, to save time and avoid guilt, I found a way to work up a sweat and get the heart pumping while stashing the week's groceries. With the driveway occupied by construction supplies and a giant dumpster, we have to park the car up on the street, which is up a slope from the house. So, I would carry a few bags of groceries into the house and then sprint back up to the car for the next load. Repeat seven or eight times, then move on to phase two of the workout. Once the groceries were in the house, I needed to put them away. So, I would put away the contents of a bag, do 50 jumping jacks, put away another bag, do more jumping jacks, etc. I am sure I looked like a complete fool dashing in and out of the house and doing jumping jacks in the middle of the kitchen. But what's a little dignity when one can take care of the groceries and burn a few calories at the same time?

Call now and you can get this fabulous new workout on video or DVD for the low, low price of $19.95!

Today, I successfully completed the last requirements to become a volunteer at the hospital. I also had a fabulous meeting/tour/interview with the Child Life Director. He is a great guy and was extremely helpful and encouraging. He basically offered to be my mentor as I get better acquainted with what being a child life specialist is all about. Technically, since I am a lowly volunteer and confidentiality is a huge issue, he isn't supposed to discuss patient diagnoses and such with me, but he said that if I establish a relationship with a certain patient or family and want to know what sorts of interventions and strategies the child life team is using to help the patient, he'd be happy to answer my questions. So, it sounds like I will get a chance to get a glimpse of the inner workings of the profession, and I am very excited.

Most of my volunteering with entail hanging out and playing with the patients in the pediatric unit. I'll probably be in the playroom much of the time setting up arts and crafts projects, playing games with the kids, and getting them whatever they need. I may also be asked to do the same sorts of things in patient rooms with the kids who can''t or don't want to come down to the playroom. I'll also get to occasionally cuddle babies so their parents can go to the cafeteria, run errands, etc. I got to chat with a couple of patients today, and it totally alleviated my tiny fear that it would be awkward. Despite having IV drips, tubes up their noses, or bald heads from chemo, these kids are incredibly friendly and cheerful. Clearly the child life staff does their job well in keeping these kids as happy as possible despite the challenges they face. I am really looking forward to getting to know the kids a bit and doing what I can to brighten their days.

I was on cloud nine all afternoon. I feel like my new career path is finally taking shape and that I will really be able to make a substantial impact and reap many rewards from it. Hooray!

today's project: officially becoming a volunteer

Did you know? Germs stick to hands by static electricity.

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

Lone Star Rising - June 08, 2005
Quiet Time - June 02, 2005
Holy Interviews, Batman! - May 23, 2005
Addled Little Bird Brains - May 01, 2005
Just the lift I needed. - April 22, 2005