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January 21, 2004 - 9:25 p.m.

Things that make me go, "grrrr"

1. It seems like everyone but me manages to look cute in their winter hat.

2. In addition to dealing with B's anger, we are now having to deal with frequent lying... about silly things like whether he's washed his hands after using the bathroom or whether he threw something in the garbage like I asked him to. If you're going to lie, kid, at least lie about something I can't verify!

3. No new West Wing tonight.

4. I have reached an impasse with Zoo Tycoon. I blazed through the beginner missions and two of the intermediate ones with almost no trouble. There's one int. scenario that I just can't seem to finish successfully, though. I've tried three times, and I really can't figure out any major changes to make it work. I came close to winning last time, so I am hoping that next time I can tweak a couple things and actually be successful. For now, though, I am taking a break.

5. I will most likely be driving during the Super Bowl. I'll be returning from Philadelphia after the wedding. I wouldn't care too much, except that the Patriots actually made it. I am not a big Pats fan, but they are a fun team to watch, and they have a lot of heart. Oh well, I am sure I will be able to listen to the game on the radio.

6. I am a bit nervous about my solo in Sunday's concert. I open the song - just me and the piano accompaniment. I am used to singing for an audience, but have little experience singing solo - except for karaoke which does not count.

7. Speaking of karaoke... I am blaming the vast number of talentless folks auditioning for American Idol on karaoke. When a person sings terribly in a karaoke bar, they often get applauded loudly, either because the audience is drunk or simply impressed that Tone Deaf Ted had the chutzpa to get up there and sing. Alas, it appears that those people now think they really can sing and really seem to think they have a shot of getting on AI... Oy.

8. Percy's lump/tumor thing is getting worse. He still seems unaffected by it - eating well, running on his wheel, his usual hedgie business - but it looks terrible. I'm on the fence about taking him to the vet again, since other than this big growth looking nasty he seems fine, and last time the vet said there's pretty much nothing they can do. Why spend the money to bring him in just to be told the same thing?

9. It's still pretty darn cold here, though not as terrible as last week. We haven't even gotten any decent snow to make it pretty since December. Cold, but no snowmen, sledding, etc... Bah.

10. Finding out that the reason I couldn't access my email was because they took down the entire systems due to a serious hacking issue. Had to change my password, but was happy to be back in the loop and relieved that my account didn't contain any important info.

today's project: Go Fish with B - a rare harmonious moment

musing about: how happy I am to have email access back!

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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