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January 09, 2004 - 10:54 p.m.

Oedipus Reigns

Anyone who has doubts about the existence of the Oedipal complex in young boys needs to come hang out with B for a day or so. First, the boy comes right out and tells me the other day that he wants to have his mom all to himself - the girls can have Dad. Not altogether surprising from the child who is fond of shouting, "Pay attention to me!!!!" when his parents have the gall to have a conversation with one or both of his sisters, but still amusingly transparent. At least he isn't afraid to say how he feels!

That same day he had a conversation with his mom that was even more Oedipal. He got upsed and accused her of loving his dad more than him. More classic still was the fact that he then got even more upset because he loves Dad, too, and is all conflicted. To an almost five year-old this is certainly serious business, but to the grown-ups it's so textbook Freudian that it's just funny! His mom and I had a good chuckle together over it.

Today, I realized just what a tyrant I typically am in the morning. The girls had a little extra time to get ready this morning, since we didn't have to get B to school before dropping them off. So, when M asked if she could go upstairs and get something she wanted to bring to school, I agreed without hesitation. She thanked me a bit too enthusiastically leaving me wondering what kind of monster I seem like on a usual morning with my constant nagging and frequent entreaties to "just get going." On the other hand, what's the point of being a nanny if you can't use and abuse your authority every now and then? :)

today's project: a good night's sleep in my warm bed while the temperature drops below zero outside

musing about: the other day I found myself wondering whether there is slang in sign language and whether it copies Englis

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