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December 04, 2003 - 12:43 p.m.

Nearly Balmy

It's barely above freezing outside, and it feels balmy! It's way too early in the season for that! It's still cold enough for the occasional snow flurry, though.

This weekend we are supposed to get our first real snowstorm of the year. We had a dusting of snow at the end of October, and some folks got another dusting on Tuday, but this is predicted to be a true Nor'easter. Just in time for my weekend jam packed with rehearsals, performances, and even social engagements! I guess I will have to prepare myself for lots of scraping of the windshield and such.

I think this afternoon B and I will go swimming. I didn't get to the gym today, so I could use the exercize. B loves to swim, and I am all in favor of something that keeps him happily occupied with minimal effort on my part and burns some of the excess energy that boys his age produce in vast quantities! If the geniuses of the world could figure out how to harvest the spare energy of rambunctious children we wouldn't need to worry about fossil fuels anymore!

Before the pool, though, we have to get our daily allowance of The BFG. :)

today's project: I might take the kids to a nearby town's tree lighting

musing about: the exciting weekend ahead and how many XMas cards I have to write...

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

Lone Star Rising - June 08, 2005
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Just the lift I needed. - April 22, 2005