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December 01, 2003 - 6:49 p.m.

Weekend Adventures and Sad News

This entry was written last night, but due to connection issues I wasn't able to post it. All the "today"s below actually now refer to yesterday.

Thanksgiving was a blast, as predicted. I didn't eat too much dinner but totally pigged out on dessert... yum!

Friday I picked up my friend, Meg, at her parents' place. We hung out with her mom for a few minutes. Her mom has had cancer for a few years now, and recently took a turn for the worse. She was home, but mostly bedridden and relying on an oxygen mask. Still, her sense of humor and kind spirit hadn't changed at all since the last time I saw her.

Meg and I went out to lunch, where we caught up on the various events in both of our lives. Then I dropped her off at the airport so she could fly back home to New Mexico, and I headed hit the highways to head home myself. This morning I found out that Meg's mom passed away late last night. It was quite a shock... She was obviously quite ill, but it still seemed sudden. And my heart breaks for Meg who has to deal with the loss of her mother during the holidays and just a couple months before her wedding. It's certainly a strong reminder to cherish every moment and make the most of the time you have with those you love.

The rest of my weekend centered on rehearsals (both play and chorus) and shopping. Meet Me In St Louis should prove to be a better production than I had feared. Though the adults in the cast are vastly outnumbered by the children, there's plenty of talent to go around. And, as it turns out, we will have the benefit of a seven piece orchestra for the show. So, it may not be Broadway, but I don't think I will be embarrassed to be seen in the show. :)

Meanwhile, the small chorus I am in, New Century Voices, is performing next weekend, so we worked pretty hard on the songs we will be singing at today's rehearsal. I think we sound pretty darn good, and it will be fun to show off in our first concert, even if we are only singing three songs.

I managed to get a fair bit of Christmas shopping done this weekend. I got a few things online, and picked up a couple more things in non-virtual stores today. I hardly dare to say it, but I think I have a good handle on my shopping this year. Every year I end up scrambling for a couple of gifts at the last minute, but I just might escape that stress this year. I certainly hope so, since my weekends are nearly booked solid until Christmas primarily with rehearsals for the play. I have a feeling that December is going to be over in a heartbeat!

Enough catching up for now. I want to do some reading before bed. I want to finish rereading Return of the King before the movie comes out.

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