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November 16, 2003 - 8:41 p.m.

Love Actually

I haven't done all that much this weekend, but it has been fun anyway. I plowed my way through a book called Clean Slate. It was very simply written, an easy read, but the plot was very intriguing. It was quite a page turner.

This afternoon I went to see Love Actually. It was such a sweet movie! It was also extremely funny - laugh out loud and occasionally snort funny. It definitely had a lot of the typical, corny romantic comedy elements for which I have an irrational love - I guess it's the hopeless romantic in me. But it also had a touch of sober realism - reminders that love isn't always perfect and doesn't always have a Hollywood ending. It was a thoroughly entertaining movie. It made me miss Sam, though. In some ways, being apart has gotten easier for me. I am almost used to not seeing him for long periods of time, to doing things alone or with friends instead of with him. But, in a less tangible way, the distance has gotten more difficult. Hopefully it won't be too long before we are able to see each other regularly again.

today's project: entertaining myself with my book and a movie

musing about: a short distance relationship

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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