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June 18, 2003 - 10:46 p.m.

Questions of the Day

- How can people be dumb enough to not use their headlights when it's raining steadily and the roads are so wet that all the cars are throwing up tons of spray?

- What made Baked Lays potato chips, which I used to think were gross, suddenly palatable?

- Why is seeing a little boy use a urinal for the first time so endearing?

- How much are my arms going to hurt tomorrow from rock climbing today? My triceps are like Jello right now!

- Is it really almost the end of June? If so, why didn't the temperature rise above 64 degrees all day today?

- What books should I buy for poolside and beach reading on vacation? Anyone have recommendations?

- How come the picnic, which I was looking forward to, had to get rained out today? Boo! We might not be able to go tomorrow, since H gets out of school right in the middle of it.

- Why can't the kids always be as cute, sweet, and content as they were today?

today's project: a trip to the indoor playspace in lieu of the postponed picnic

musing about: how much fun climbing was tonight

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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