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June 09, 2003 - 9:30 a.m.

Weekend Update

Wow. I had an awesome weekend. It was also an unusually busy one for me. After Friday's shopping binge, I slept in on Saturday morning. I think all that speedwalking (I always walk pretty quickly, but especially when I am by myself) wore me out. Nonetheless, I made it to the gym on Saturday before heading to the bridal shower.

The shower was quite fun. We, of course, played silly wedding related games. One of the games consisted of two teams of people creating bridal gowns out of toilet paper (using one team member as dress form/model). It was really amazing to see what we could do with just toilet paper, and the dresses were surprisingly different. The bride-to-be was supposed to pick a winner, but she was overly diplomatic and refused to choose. Silly woman. We also got to watch as she opened her presents, the usual assortment of kitchen towels, cookbooks, gadgets, etc. She did get one racy negligee... addressed from the groom's family dog, Jackson. :) We were joking that sometime she'll turn to the groom and say in a sultry voice, "I think I'll go slip into something from Jackson!" Tee Hee.

After the shower I met up with some friends for dinner and a movie, though only two of us actually ended up staying for the movie portion of the evening. We saw Wrong Turn, which was a scary, gory, formulaic sort of movie with the ingenious and inspired innovation of the murderers being inbred, deformed, rednecks in the mountains of West Virginia. Scoffing aside, it was a scary movie, if not a work of cinematic genius. I even had a dream or two that night featuring psychotic rednecks, and I almost never have nightmares!

Sunday morning I actually got out of bed early and headed to the Boston Rock Gym for a beginner group lesson. I've climbed a rock wall a couple times before, but I have never belayed anyone, so I needed the class. Despite having to be at the gym at 9AM, it was worth it. Climbing can be a real challenge, and it is such a rush when you make it all the way to the top of the wall. It's a pretty good workout, and the gym is open until 10PM on weekdays, so I am hoping to go one or two times a week in the summer to get some exercise when I have the kids all day and can't get to the regular gym. I just have to find a partner to climb with (because while one person climbs you need another to belay). Luckily, the BRG has a message board for just such needs on their website. I already posted, so we'll see what kind of responses I get. Hopefully I can get back to climb again soon, because I loved it, and according to our instructor I'm slightly above average for a beginner.

After the climbing lesson, I scurried home and inhaled some lunch before taking B on his long overdue birthday outing (his birthday was at the end of February!). We went to the Higgins Armory Museum, which is a huge collection of armor and weapons, mostly from the Middle Ages and Renaissance. B really liked it, though a lot of the history was way over his head. I did make sure to initiate conversations about how hard it would be to see and move in the heavy armor and pointed out the different types of weapons. He, of course, had the most fun in the Quest Gallery, where he go to try on period costumes and replica helms. He also built with castle blocks and we read some stories about knights. It was a fun afternoon.

Last night I made a dent in the mess in my room then chilled out on the couch watching Waiting For Guffman. Very funny movie, especially if you have ever been involved in community theater, which I have. Best In Show is still my favorite Christopher Guest movie, but I haven't seen Spinal Tap yet. That may have to be my next rental.

today's project: a trip to the craft store for Father's Day gift inspiration

musing about: the fact that the two youngest kids (who are now out of school) have pretty much kept themselves happily oc

Twitter away!

Count Rugen will bite you - 2003-06-09 18:45:12
The Princess Bride is not your favorite Christopher Guest movie??!?!???!?!

flutter back - fly ahead

Lone Star Rising - June 08, 2005
Quiet Time - June 02, 2005
Holy Interviews, Batman! - May 23, 2005
Addled Little Bird Brains - May 01, 2005
Just the lift I needed. - April 22, 2005