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June 06, 2003 - 10:31 p.m.

Shopping Spree!

Phew! I have been on my feet for much of the day and I am wiped out. I did an incredible amount of shopping today. It started with trying to find a graduation gift for M, since her little party was this afternoon. The preschool she just finished is called Apple Valley Montessori School, so I was hoping to find her a charm bracelet and an apple charm. I looked all over in the short time I had with no luck, so I finally settled on a couple pairs of earrings. (She and H got their ears pierced a couple months ago.) She seemed very pleased, so I felt better about my last minute decision.

After the graduation party I went back to the mall. In my harried search for a gift, I had seen some sales that I wanted to check out, and I also had to buy another gift. Tomorrow I am going to a friend's bridal shower so I needed to find an appropriate present. Since the groom's aunt and sister are throwing the shower, I decided against racy lingerie. Plus, the groom is also my former housemate, and I don't really want to head down the mental road that begins with his wife-to-be in sexy undergarments! Eek! I finally settled on a cookbook specifically for newlyweds at William Sonoma. The clerk there said it is a great book and she actually wanted it when she got married but ended up having to buy it for herself.

I have to admit, though, that most of the shopping I did today was for me. I bought some fun and frivolous things and some that I actually needed. I got a couple of halter tops, which are great for showing off my tattoos and my shoulders (which happen to be one of my better features). I am sure they will come in handy when I am on the cruise with Sam in three weeks! I also bought a couple of little baby tees, since I only have a few short sleeve tops and it looks like it may never warm up enough for tank tops this summer! I spent, by far, the most money at The Limited where I got one of the halters, a cute and super comfy black knit skirt, and, the big splurge, a pair of sexy grey dress pants. I have a really hard time finding pants that fit, since I am very short and rather curvy. These fit perfectly, are classy, and are quite comfortable so I decided they were worth forking over more than $60 for. Ouch.

I will almost certainly wear at least one item from my shopping spree tomorrow. I've always been impatient about trying out new clothing. When I was a teenager, not only would I give the Christmas Day fashion show of all my wearable gifts, I always found a way to wear some of the loot right away. Some things never change. I guess it's the novelty, but I can never wait to break in new wardrobe items. One of the many ways I embrace my inner child! :)

today's project: gifts for them, gifts for me!

musing about: which new clothes to wear tomorrow...

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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