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February 27, 2003 - 3:49 p.m.

Oops, never mind...

I was going to write the last entry about the cruise, but I just realized my notes on what we did each day are on my computer and I don't have time to start it up and get them before we have to leave for the girls' gymnastics class. Oh well. I guess I will do that tonight after the nanny book club meeting.

I am amazed at how quickly and smoothly this week has gone by! Usually the week after a vacation is crazy, because the kids' schedules have been thrown out of whack and they may be worn out from all the excitement of travel. Luckily for me, the children have all been quite cheerful, affectionate, and obidient (relatively speaking) this week. The only real strain has been that B's toilet training has regressed again. Apparently, while in the Bahamas, he never once had an accident despite unfamiliar surroundings and much excitement. Since then, however, he again seems incapable of defecating anywhere other than in his pants. *sigh*

I think much of the credit for an easy transition back to work for me goes to my new mattress and the extremely relaxing nature of the cruise. I was able to catch up on quality sleep while on vacation, and the new bed is allowing me to sleep more soundly and restfully at home than I have in a long time. Being well rested helps me to maintain a positive attitude, which, as I have mentioned before, is pretty much key to having a good day in my line of work. Sometimes I think kids are like mood rings and their behavior has a lot to do with the mood of their caregivers. They seem to save up their most evil tendencies for when you are tired, depressed, distracted, or better yet all three. :)

It is also very nice that it has been sunny and nearly windless for the past couple of days. While the temperature hasn't gotten above freezing, the absence of the frigid winds to which we had all become somewhat accustomed makes it seem almost warm out. And as the days pass, I can feel the sun getting stronger and smell the faintest hint of spring in the air. The snow is beginning to melt little by little. It finally seems that winter has loosened its grip on us if only slightly and temporarily.

today's project: the kids are playing hospital and M is pretending to be in a body cast :)

musing about: how quickly kids grow up (B is turning 4 tomorrow!)

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

Lone Star Rising - June 08, 2005
Quiet Time - June 02, 2005
Holy Interviews, Batman! - May 23, 2005
Addled Little Bird Brains - May 01, 2005
Just the lift I needed. - April 22, 2005