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February 13, 2003 - 1:53 p.m.

Counting Down

36 minutes of peace before I wake B from his nap.

4 hours 36 minutes of work left.

4 more Valentines to convince B to make this afternoon.

2 loaves of banana bread cooling on the counter.

5 hours 6 minutes before callbacks which I was not asked to attend.

6 hours 6 minutes until dinner with the nanny crew.

3 Valentine's cards to buy (no time to make them) for the kids.

26 hours 20 minutes before my flight to Charlotte (ultimate destination Miami) is scheduled to take off.

33 hours 5 minutes until I am scheduled to land in Miami.

15 degrees: today's high in Boston.

77 degrees: today's high in Miami.

43 hours or so until I can call to find out whether I was cast in The Secret Garden (my hopes are failing somewhat since I wasn't asked for callbacks, but we'll see).

51 hours 6 minutes to the departure of the cruise ship Carnival Triumph! :)

1 suitcase and 1 garment bag to finish packing.

1 hedgehog to equip with plenty of food, water, and clean bedding.

7 nights of fun, sun, food, and bonding with my Mom in the Eastern Caribbean.

3: approximate number of times I have dreaded Valentine's Day so far. Not bad for a woman still mourning a lost relationship!

That's all, folks. I will try to get in one last entry tomorrow before I leave. I might be able to post an entry next week, since the ship has internet access. Don't count on more than one, though, since it costs 25 cents a minute.

The sun is shining, B and I played hide and seek today, my room is a disastrous mess, and all is well. :)

today's project: baking banana bread and making the last few Valentines

musing about: whether I bought enough sunscreen to protect my blindingly pale skin.

Twitter away!

bafleyanne - 2003-02-13 14:20:24
Hey, if you get a chance, give me a call sometime tonight. :) If I don't talk to you, have a great time on your trip!

flutter back - fly ahead

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