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January 31, 2003 - 1:04 p.m.

It's all in the details

Thursdays are, without a doubt, my most challenging day. Being a nanny, much like being a parent, involves keeping track of a lot of details. Are all the faces washed? Does everyone have his or her backpack, snowpants, lunch, gloves, hat, library book, homework, etc? Have the teeth been brushed? Has the dog been fed? Did the youngest go to the bathroom before we left the house? Do I have my keys? Is my gym bag packed? And so on... And that's just to get out the door in the morning!

Thursdays add a number of items to the usual to-do list. The girls have gymnastics class in the afternoon, so instead of taking the bus home, I pick H up at school. That means I have to make sure she has the relevant note in her backpack before she goes to school. I also have to remember to pull the girls' hair back in the morning, since we only have time for them to change and have a snack after school.

Once I manage to get all the kids and their paraphenalia off to school, I get to do the family grocery shopping. It's not too horrible, but I always get stressed making sure I don't forget anything. Being the perfectionist that I am, I probably take the responsibility a little too seriously. However, I know what kind of tantrum can ensue if a child is informed we're out of his favorite snack, and I would feel really bad if over the weekend the family's dinner plans were thwarted by a missing ingredient or two. Plus, the grocery store can't seem to decide how they want their shelves organized. As soon as I memorize where to find everything, they change something again. Argh! So, I don't particularly look forward to that errand.

In the afternoon, before I wake B up from his nap, I have to make sure I have a snack fro him to eat in the car while we pick up his sisters. Much trouble in a nanny's day can be prevented by making sure her charges are never bored or hungry. We pick up M at 3, then dash off to pick H up at 3:15. Of course, more often than not, the usually energetic children choose that time to dawdle. Once we get home, I get to nag the girls until they change into their leotards and sit still long enough to eat a snack. Meanwhile I have to pack a bag with water bottles, a snack, and portable activities for B like coloring books, action figures, or even playdough (again attempting to thwart the demons of boredom and hunger) since we stay in the waiting room while the girls have their class. When it's time to go we review many of the same details from the morning: bathroom, hats, gloves, animals, bags.

Finally, we arrive at gymnastics and the girls are off to perfect their cartwheels, fall off the beam, and generally twist, tumble, and twirl. If I am lucky, B will be sufficiently occupied that I can read a magazine or chat with the other waiting adults.

Once we get home, I get the kids out of their outerwear and settled in front of the TV for half an hour. I unpack backpacks, unload the dishwasher, pick up discarded clothing and toys, feed the dog, and wait for the parents to arrive. Then I go to my room and wonder why I am so exhausted! :)

And I forgot to mention that yesterday I also needed to remember to give M the medicine for her ear infection. I forgot, but remembered on our way to school, so turned around and went back home to remedy (ha!) the situation. Ugh. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that I forgot something in the midst of all that I have to do in the morning, but I wish it hadn't been the most important thing! Actually, I suppose it could have been worse; I could have left one of the children at home. :)

But I survived another Thursday, and even managed to get a short workout in at the gym after grocery shopping. Today, I am very proud of myself, because, even though, I didn't have to work, I got myself out of bed this morning and went to the gym! I did an hour long step aerobics interval class (periods of aerobics interspersed with short bits of weight work). It was moderately tough, and I definitely worked up a good sweat. Then I stayed to the abdominal and stretching class afterwards. So we did 15 minutes of various crunches and other ab work and then did 15 minutes of stretching. I don't usually have time for that much stretching after a workout, and it was really relaxing. I felt really good afterwards.

This weekend, I have to do some shopping to be ready for the cruise. I need a new pair of strappy dress shoes (mine are worn out), a new rolling suitcase (the zipper on mine is really going and I don't want to risk it breaking on the trip and having a suitcase that won't close!), sunscreen, and who knows what else will catch my eye. :)

today's project: gym and shopping

musing about: how to improve my memory

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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