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December 11, 2002 - 7:50 p.m.

Papa doesn't need to buy a mockingbird!

What is it about copying that is so damn funny to kids - provided they aren't the one being copied, that is. I guess it just goes to show you that children are sill developing their senses of humor... H, the 8 year-old, has been copying almost constantly. She stops when asked to, but starts again about five minutes later. I just don't get it. For a kid who is smart, creative, etc, it doesn't make any sense that such unimaginative stunts are funny. Originally I just tried to ignore it, but it wasn't getting any better, and her mom started reprimanding her about it, so I followed suit.

Copying is one of the two harmless habits common in kids that irritate me far more than I should let them. The other is the tendency of children to beat around the bush to get you to ask them a specific question. "Kris, I know why there's dirt on the floor." Then they wait for me to say, "Really? Why is there dirt on the floor?" so they can tell about how it came from the bird's nest one of them brought home. It's totally silly for me to get irritated by it; it would be simple to just play along and ask the question (and I usually do), but it bugs me. I guess it probably has to do with not wanting to be manipulated, but these are small children! It's not like they're intentionally manipulating me. I don't think it would bother me nearly as much if it didn't happen so often. Sometimes I just want to scream, "Just tell me and get it over with for heaven's sake!" M even takes it a step further sometimes: "I know why Courtney wasn't at school today." "Really?" I respond sweetly (stifling my impatience). "And it's not because she was sick." Maybe it's just a juvenile attempt at suspense (little do they realize the plot of a Tom and Jerry cartoon is more likely to have you on the edge of your seat) or a way to keep your attention on them for as long as possible. All I know is that there's no logical reason it should irk me so... but it does.

Don't let this entry mislead you, I usually like my job. Some days, though, the little irritations just add up and I have to complain so I can start the next day fresh and focus on how cute, curious, sweet, and silly those three little kids I have the privilege of helping to raise really are.

today's project: tidings of comfort and joy (also known as Christmas cards)

musing about: how much rain/ice/snow we're going to get tonight

Twitter away!

flutter back - fly ahead

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